Volunteers are the heart & soul of Camp Peak Energy

- Help a camper reach their potential & create lifelong memories
- Location: River Bend Ranch in Durango, Colorado
- We have two camps planned for 2025. Join us for one or both!
- Campers going into K-6th grade: June 2-6, 2025.
- Campers going into grades 7+: June 16-20, 2025.
- Training provided. No experience needed.
- Lunch and snacks provided
- We are always in need of RN’s and EMT’s (part time or full time)
- Ages 14+
- The volunteer form allows you to select the weeks/days you can attend, and what type of volunteer work interests you
- Questions? email the camp director
“Most people see what is and never see what can be.” – Albert Einstein.
Benefits of Volunteering:
- Volunteers live longer and are healthier than non-volunteers
- Volunteering establishes strong relationships, much better than online connections
- Volunteering is good for a person's career
- Volunteering is good for society
- Volunteering gives an individual a sense of purpose